Some Very Small Thoughts
This morning, I am feeling an impulse to write, but uninspired on any topic. That's a different feeling than I have had in the past. Most often I have felt I had something to write about, but not the energy to do the work.
Is that progress? Who knows.
Although I just passed the halfway mark in The Egyptologist, I began writing about it in The Escondido Review. Just to get some words out. The most interesting thing, to me, in the novel so far is the revelation of the inscription on the tomb door -- made only after the door has been smashed to bits. There is surely something meaningful in the timing of that revelation.
Anagrams in The Egyptologist: Ralph M. Trilipush, Lars Philip-Thurm (a reviewer of Trilipush's book). Also -- Arthur Phillips and Ralph Trilipush are anagrams. Is Phillips' middle initial "M"? Likely.
Last night, former New Jersey Governer and EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman was the guest on The Daily Show. She has a new book out, It's My Party Too, in which she evidently tried to reclaim a spot in the Republican Party for progressives like herself. I couldn't help feeling as I watched her joking with Jon Stewart that her willingness to buck the wingnuts who have taken over the GOP is a bit late. During her tenure as EPA Administrator she made no overt efforts to buck George W. Bush's vicious dismantling of environmental protections.
So while it is nice now to hear her lash out against the James Dobson's who put SpongeBob SquarePants's supposed support for homosexuality ahead of global warming in importance, I feel that it's a case of too little, too late.
She's easily ignorable now.
Still, I probably will try to read her book.
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